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Produkte des Herstellers Shikino High-Tech CO., LTD

Shikino High-Tech CO., LTD

Shikino, founded in 1975, offers camera modules for sensing cameras, IP cores and semiconductor test equipment


Shikino High-Tech CO .,Ltd: The company, witjh ist headquartered in Uozo, Japan, started out with plating materials. In 1987, the development and production of circuit boards for testing semiconductors was initiated and in the following year the IC layout design activities also began. From year to year, the company continued to develop and more and more factories were opened. In 2004, the camera module business was introduced, which has become the main business to this day. Today, the company has a turnover of almost USD 1 billion.

Company Overview

Besides its headquarters, the company also has two branch offices in Kumamoto and Kyushu. It has also opened three design centres in Fukoaka, Osaka and Tokyo and employs over 370 people.

Product Groups

Shikino offers camera modules for sensor cameras, i.e.: view cameras and sensor cameras. In addition, this product line offers a variety of interfaces, such as USB, LAN/PoE, code recognition, digital (parallel), analog (NTCS), global shutter and many more.

In addition, the company offers customised designs and a comprehensive service for HW and SW if no standard product meets customers requirements.

Shikino provides IP core for customer image processing compliant with JPEG base, enhanced and lossless standards: JPEG, Shikino-LS, JPEG XL, JPEG XR.

Interested in more information and guidance on innovative camera modules? Just let us know! Get in contact with us now.