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Espressif – ESP32-P4 High-Performance SoC

Espressif – ESP32-P4 High-Performance SoC

Espressif, known for wireless SoCs, announced the ESP32-P4 High-Performance SoC at the beginning of 2023, the first product without wireless interfaces such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or ZigBee.

In the roadmap recently published by Espressif, the ESP32-P4 still appears without a specific date for mass production, but is scheduled earlier than the ESP32-C5 with dual-band radio (2.4/5GHz).

Reason enough to introduce the P4 to you in more detail -You can see running demonstrator of the ESP32-P4 at Embedded World 2024.

ESP32-P4 High-Performance SoC at a Glance

With its dual-core RISC-V main processor (up to 400MHz) and a wide range of peripherals, the ESP32-P4 is ideally suited to the increasing requirements in areas such as

  • HMI solution
  • Applications supported by artificial intelligence (AI)
  • IoT edge computing

HMI solutions

With the MIPI-CSI/DSI peripherals & camera interface, both high-resolution displays and cameras can be connected. A H.264 encoder, the integrated pixel processing accelerator and a JPEG codec in hardware are available for the development of user interfaces.

Thanks to the integrated peripherals for capacitive touch in the low-power section of the ESP32-P4, modern operating concepts can be implemented directly.

AI applications

Artificial intelligence is already being used for innovative HMI – for example in speech recognition. Espressif has already focused on this topic with software support for current SoC families such as the ESP32-S3. The topic of speech recognition and output is central here.

ESP32-P4 Block DiagramOnline services such as Alexa, DuerOS and others can be addressed with the Espressif ESP-ADF. Offline solutions can be implemented with the ESP-Skainet Smart Voice Assistant. The ESP32-P4 will significantly increase performance in the future, especially for the latter, and open up further application possibilities.

IoT Edge Computing

Based on its many years of experience in the IoT sector, Espressif has integrated strong security functions & peripherals into the ESP32-P4. AES, SHA, ECC and RSA accelerators, a dedicated peripheral for digital signatures and a key management unit form the platform for the secure operation of devices in the IoT that will be based on the ESP32-P4.

However, in mobile IoT applications, power consumption is often important and computing power is not always required. To meet this requirement, Espressif has integrated an additional low-power (LP) section into the ESP32-P4. A RISC-V core with 40MHz, its own memory and a power management unit is supported by several LP peripherals: SPI, I2C, I2S and UART, a temperature sensor and the already mentioned touch peripherals.

Monitoring applications and wake-up scenarios can be implemented appropriately

ESP32-P4 High-Performance SoC Summary

With the ESP32-P4, Espressif leaves the domain of wireless SoCs for the first time and offers a high-performance processor for IoT, embedded AI and HMI applications as a perfect addition in the near future.

If you are preparing a project for which the ESP32-P4 is suitable, please contact us now or send us your inquiry using the form below. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

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